Dr Georgia Papoutsi


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Dr. Georgia Papoutsi is a researcher in Food Marketing at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute and adjunct professor at the Agricultural University of Athens and Athens University of Applied Sciences. She received her BA in Business Administration from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki and her MSc in Services Management from the Athens University of Economics. In 2010, she continued her studies in the Agricultural University of Athens pursuing a PhD in Consumer behavior towards Food. After spending six-months as a visiting scholar at the University of Arkansas working with R. M. Nayga, she completed her doctoral research in 2014. In 2015, she completed her post-doctoral research entitled “Consumer behavior towards agricultural products of higher quality: The case of olive oil”. She has participated in several EU and national funded research projects. Her academic work has been published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Wine Economics and Journal of Economic Surveys, among others. Her research interests are focused on, but not limited to, the food marketing management, consumer food choice behaviour and economics of nutrition/obesity using experimental methods..